
Maintaining our visual identity across all types of media is important for a unified image, and that includes print. This guide will explain our print-specific guidelines.


Publication templates

Our publication templates are here to help simplify the creation process and maintain consistency in our different publication types.



Publication templates

You can request templates for benefit sheets and product ranges.


Formats and grids

Formats and grids can be used to maintain consistency in layout, spacing, and organization on all Novozymes print.

formatsand grids


Novozymes publications are always vertical A-standard formats. In professionally printed publications, when possible, use the bespoke format which is slightly smaller than A4. For US print, the US letter format should be used as print standard.

print template


Novozymes grid templates are here to help ensure consistency as you design for different print layouts.


Front and back covers

Front and back covers of Novozymes publications are standardized to maintain consistency and familiarity


Front and back covers

Request templates for both front and back covers of Novozymes covers are available below. The back-cover layout does not apply to one-pagers

front and back covers

Boilerplate text

Novozymes’ boilerplate text is a quick and informative text used to describe as concisely as possible, who we are, what we do, and why.


Boilerplate text

Novozymes' boilerplate text should be used in all written external communications from Novozymes, both online and offline. Below, you will find the Novozymes boilerplate text in the following languages:

  • English
  • Chinese
  • Danish
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

Contact the Brand management team for further guidance.



About Novozymes
Novozymes is the world leader in biological solutions. Together with customers, partners, and the global community, we improve industrial performance while preserving the planet's resources and helping build better lives. As the world's largest provider of enzyme and microbial technologies, our bioinnovation enables higher agricultural yields, low-temperature washing, energy-efficient production, renewable fuel, and many other benefits that we rely on today and in the future.
We call it Rethink Tomorrow.



Rethink Tomorrow


Om Novozymes
Novozymes er verdens førende inden for biologiske løsninger. Sammen med kunder, partnere og det globale samfund forbedrer vi industriel produktion og bidrager til at bevare naturens ressourcer og skabe bedre levevilkår. Vi er verdens største leverandør af enzymer og mikrobiel teknologi. Med vores bioinnovation kan vi eksempelvis muliggøre højere høstudbytte i landbruget, tøjvask ved lavere temperaturer, energibesparelser i fremstillingsprocesser, fornybare brændstoffer og mange andre fremskridt, som vi har brug for både i dag og i fremtiden.
Vi kalder det Rethink Tomorrow.


À propos de Novozymes
Novozymes est le numéro un mondial des solutions biologiques. Aux côtés de nos clients, nos partenaires et la communauté internationale, nous améliorons les performances industrielles tout en préservant les ressources de la planète et en offrant une meilleure qualité de vie. Nous sommes le premier fournisseur mondial d’enzymes et de technologies microbiennes. Notre “bio-innovation” permet de meilleures récoltes agricoles, des lavages à basse température, des processus de production plus économes en énergie, des carburants renouvelables et bien d’autres avantages sur lesquels nous pouvons compter aujourd’hui et pour l’avenir. Nous avons baptisé ce concept “Rethink Tomorrow”.


Über Novozymes
Novozymes ist weltweit die Nummer eins für biologische Lösungen. Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden, Partnern und der globalen Gemeinschaft steigern wir die Leistungsfähigkeit der Industrie, erhalten dabei gleichzeitig die natürlichen Vorkommen der Erde und helfen, die Lebensbedingungen für alle zu verbessern. Als weltweit größter Anbieter von Technologien im Bereich der Enzyme und Mikroorganismen ermöglichen wir mit unseren Bioinnovationen höhere Erträge in der Landwirtschaft, die Reinigung bei niedrigen Temperaturen, eine energieeffiziente Produktion, erneuerbare Kraftstoffe sowie eine große Vielfalt weiterer positiver Entwicklungen, auf die wir heute und in Zukunft setzen.
Wir nennen das Rethink Tomorrow.


ノボザイムズは、バイオソリューションにおいて、世界をリードする企業です。弊社は、お客様、パートナー、及び国際社会と共に、様々な産業のパフォーマンス向上を実現することで、地球資源の保護と、人々のより良い生活を築き上げることを目指しています。産業用酵素、及び微生物を駆使した産業技術を提供する世界最大のプロバイダーとして、弊社のバイオイノベーションは、農業生産性の向上、低温洗浄、製造過程におけるエネルギー効率の向上、再生可能燃料の製造、及びその他多くの利益を、今日、そして未来へもたらすことを可能にしています。 我々はそれを‘Rethink Tomorrow(もう一度、明日を見つめ直してみよう)’と呼んでいます。


Sobre a Novozymes
A Novozymes é líder mundial em soluções biológicas. Juntamente com clientes, parceiros e a comunidade internacional, aprimoramos o desempenho industrial, ao mesmo tempo em que preservamos os recursos do planeta e auxiliamos na construção de uma vida melhor. Como maior provedor mundial de tecnologias microbianas e de enzimas, nossa bioinovação permite maior produção agrícola, lavagem à baixa temperatura, produção energeticamente eficiente, combustível renovável e muitos outros benefícios com os quais contamos hoje e no futuro.
Chamamos isso de Repensando o Amanhã.


Acerca de Novozymes
Novozymes es el líder mundial en soluciones biológicas. Junto con los clientes, colaboradores y la comunidad global, mejoramos el desempeño industrial, al tiempo que preservamos los recursos del planeta y ayudamos a construir una vida mejor. Como el mayor proveedor del mundo de tecnologías enzimáticas y microbianas, nuestra innovación biológica permite obtener mayores rendimientos agrícolas, lavado a baja temperatura, una producción que ahorra energía, combustibles renovables y muchos otros beneficios de los que dependemos en el presente y dependeremos en el futuro.
Lo llamamos «Repensar el mañana».

Corporate roll up banners

We have standard Novozymes corporate roll up banners available for use, available as print ready files.


Corporate roll up banners

There are four standard corporate banners available for use, each can be requested as print-ready files.

For Denmark based printing, use print vendor Cool Gray. Request specifics for contact, cost, format, and delivery from this vendor below.

For non-Denmark based printing, please use a local print vendor. Remember that prints should always be in the standard format.

For any further guidance, contact the brand management team.
