Request your free test sample of MindAble™ 1714™

Get your free test sample which covers one test production in your own production line. This sample will help you validate that your chocolate maintains its sensory qualities when you add MindAble™ 1714™.

Fill in the form below to request your free sample now.

Request a free sample of MindAble™ 1714™ for a test production

MindAble™ 1714™ is available in a freeze dried powder that is easily applied in a traditional chocolate tempering line. We are happy to provide you with a free sample, enough to run a test production on your own line and validate that your chocolate will still keep its sensory qualities. Our technical service team are also ready to support you in the set-up of the production and guide the application. Please fill in the form below and you will be contacted by one of our account managers and our technical service team who can advise you further.

Submit your sample request here