Novozymes Torque® IF and Ratchet®

Powered by LCO Promoter Technology®

Expand root volume and enhance photosynthetic capacity to boost stress tolerance and plant health, and significantly increase yields. 


Are you getting the most out of every acre?

By integrating biological solutions to your existing soil-applied and foliar applications, you can improve crop performance through increased root volume and enhanced photosynthetic capacity.

Novozymes Torque® IF

Performance based on 102 field trials in North America over 5 years.

Novozymes Torque® IF is a soil-applied signaling molecule that increases mycorrhizal associations along plant roots. This leads to increased stress tolerance, and higher yields.


Novozymes Ratchet®

2Summary of 118 trials over 3 years
3Summary of 191 trials over 4 years
Novozymes Ratchet® is a foliar applied signaling molecule that enhances photosynthesis and sugar production, improving plant health and increasing yields.

Corn Yield advantage_ratchet

Helping your farm meet its yield potential

When looking for opportunities to increase your farms yield potential, finding additional solutions to integrate with your current fertilizers and chemicals is vital. Compatible biological solutions deliver yield increases across a wide range of environmental conditions.

Improving yield by enhancing crop resiliency

You can’t control rising energy costs, fuel prices or climate-related events like drought that put added stress on your crops. But what if there was a bioyield solution that could improve your crop’s resiliency, boost the efficiency of your fertilizer, and was unaffected by the other chemistry you’re using alongside it?

Novozymes bioyield solutions can help you do just that: Close the yield gap so that your crop meets its potential, enabling you to get more from every acre.

corn kernels

Driving crop performance with LCO Promoter Technology®

LCO (Lipo-chitooligosaccharide) Promoter Technology® is a unique molecule that stimulates mycorrhizal association in your crop.

LCO triggers cell division and cell elongation in the root. Both processes enhance your plant’s nutritional capabilities, which drives natural growth processes such as root and shoot development, immediately and independently of variety, soil and environmental conditions.

enhanced plant growth

Enhanced plant growth

thanks to increased photosynthetic capacity

Improved plant health

Improved plant health

enabling plants to better handle environmental pressure

consistent yield  increases

Consistent yield increases

due to increased root volume and water uptake

How LCO Promoter Technology® boosts plant performance

Looking for a crash course in LCOs? Watch this short video to learn how the interaction between bioyield solutions and LCOs help plants access more nutrition and drive performance – whether applied to the surface of crop leaves, in-furrow, or both.

LCO Promoter Technology® in action 

Lynn Harrell of Harrell Bros. Farms, a long-time dealer and customer of Novozymes products, shares his success with using Novozymes Torque®and Ratchet®in his farming operation. 

Interested in putting LCO Promoter Technology® to work for you?

Contact a technical expert today via the button below to learn how our solutions can help your business.

On-demand webinar: Using the language of microbes to power your fields

As it turns out, plants are extroverts: They’re constantly communicating with their surrounding environment. And now, we’re harnessing the power of that language for healthier plants and higher crop yields.

In our free, on-demand webinar, we introduce you to LCOs and explore the many benefits they have with both broad acre and specialty crops.

webinar image

Benefit Sheets


Foliar-applied LCO Promoter Technology® for corn and soybean

Ratchet® for corn and soybean is formulated for ease of use and compatibility with post-emergence applications, supporting the growth and yield potential of your crops.


Stronger, healthier corn crops from the roots up

Torque® IF with LCO Promoter Technology® enables your crop to achieve its full genetic potential by enhancing nutritional capabilities that drive natural growth processes, maximizing plant health, and crop performance.

How can we help boost your crop performance?

No matter what crops you're planting, our microbial and bioyield solutions will unlock additional profit from every acre. Contact a technical expert today to learn more.