Improve attenuation
As the measure of the degree to which sugars (i.e., glucose, fructose, maltotriose) in the wort can be fermented into alcohol, attenuation is essential. But because raw materials and the mashing process can vary so much, many brewers struggle to achieve predictable and targeted attenuation specifications. Enzymes can help you hit your target every time – and even innovate your product.

Simple and cost-effective
If you’re looking for a simple, cost-effective way to manage attenuation fluctuations due to deficiencies in raw materials, consider Novozymes brewing enzymes.
You can increase the attenuation limit by 4-5% with the same amount of raw materials. And you can maintain consistent fermentability – despite raw material variability.
Get a new degree of control
With Novozymes enzymes, you get a more predictable result when controlling attenuation.
The degree of attenuation is governed by these factors: The choice of enzyme (glucoamylase, alpha-amylase, pullulanase or combination), enzyme stability at various temperatures and pH, conversion temperature and time.
From the best enzyme for the job, to the right temperatures, pH, time and more, our technical experts will help you find the ideal solution.